ARIES for SEEA: Speeding the compilation of natural capital accounts for greater policy uptake

October 5, 2021

Analysis shows that biodiversity and nature-based solutions have been comparatively neglected in post-COVID economic recovery efforts to date and there is a need to find better ways of including them in the economic reports to make progress with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 5th Policy Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision Making, organized virtually on September 15-16, 2021, discussed practical ways in which natural capital accounting (NCA) can make green recovery initiatives and institutional reforms more effective and sustainable.

With the recent adoption of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting standard and the advancements in economic-environmental modelling applications like the ARIES for SEEA Explorer, the potential to contribute to green recovery initiatives has increased.

On September 16, USGS research economist and ARIES natural capital accounting expert Ken Bagstad introduced this ground-breaking technology to over 300 participants. During his talk, Ken showed the Explorer’s potential for national statistical offices, scientific and policy communities in particular, by enabling them rapid ecosystem account production globally and a path toward data and models’ interoperability in SEEA.

See Ken’s full presentation by clicking on the button below and learn more about the ARIES for SEEA Explorer’s latest advancements and next steps.


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