Get started

with ARIES

ARIES aims to put sophisticated modeling capabilities at the fingertips of non-technical users, practitioners and decision makers. It is meant to be usable by anyone with enough experience to read and interpret its results following intuitive workflows consistent with what users normally experience while browsing the Web. At the same time, ARIES runs on one of the most sophisticated modeling platforms in existence, which allows modelers to benefit from a full suite of existing, reusable model and data components accessible through open-source modeling tools and paradigms. Progressively more advanced versions of the k.Explorer will be continually released, with new features and models becoming available, so check back often for updates!


For people who want to create evaluations and explore situations.

You’ll only need a current web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox to use the online tool we call k.Explorer (the general k.LAB interface to explore by querying the knowledge base) to access k.LAB’s linked data and models.


For people who want to produce data and model.

You’ll need specialized tools to import, annotate, and publish data and models on the k.LAB semantic web.  You have to install the Control Center software package which includes:

  • The local engine (k.LAB engine) and its web-based user interface (k.Explorer)
  • The Integrated development environment (k.Modeler)


For more in-depth explanations of the k.LAB infrastructure please visit our sister site, or start browsing the knowledge base in the following sites:

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