Greta Adamo




I have a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and a Master Degree in Philosophical Methodologies from University of Genoa (IT), I received my PhD in 2020 in Computer Science and Systems Engineering, from DIBRIS, University of Genoa (IT) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT). My PhD mainly focused on an ontological analysis of business process modelling. Following the PhD I have specialised in sustainability research beginning with a postdoc at ITI/LARSyS in Madeira island (PT) with the project REDEMA, “Redesigning Madeira: Using Speculative Design to Re-Think Energy Policy and Consumer Behavior” where we explored the role of (low-cost) technology for environmental monitoring. My research interests are in ontological analysis, conceptual representation and integration of key concepts associated with social-environmental sustainability and climate change.
I have published through Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems and Business Process Management conferences, such as AI*IA, CAiSE, RCIS and BPM, and international journals in the computer science field, such as Information Systems and Software and Systems Modeling, and future-based venue, such as in the Journal of Futures Studies, and (upcoming) Journal of Technological Forecasting & Social Change.

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