ARIES among the top five Artificial Intelligence projects based in Spain

June 22, 2021

A recent report reveals the top five Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects based in Spain and ARIES is among them. It’s also among the most pioneering initiatives in applying AI to the climate crisis.

“ARIES is a tool that could be useful beyond its original scope of application and that may improve scientific efforts in a wide array of disciplines. From a climate change perspective, it is expected that this initiative can provide insights related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.”

Digital Future Society

With climate change representing an existential threat to natural habitats and human communities alike all over the world, AI researchers are currently pooling resources towards solving the complex issues that are feeding the climate emergency.

The complexity of the crisis, coupled with the need for exponential action, makes AI an excellent tool to help meet the globally mandated Paris Agreement’s 2030 targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25-55% compared to 2018 levels and comply with the European Green Deal.

The report shows that the urgency of the current situation provides Spain with an opportunity to take the lead globally on applying AI to the climate crisis. ARIES is one of the various successful projects applying AI to the climate emergency in Spain, together with OrpheusDEXMA, Low carbon at work (LOCAW) and AI for Understanding and Modelling the Earth System (USMILE).

The Spanish unit of the renowned European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent System (ELLIS) network is also highlighted. This unit is led by Nuria Oliver, who was one of the guest speakers at the recent BC3’s summer course “Artificial Intelligence for the Wellbeing and Sustainability of Societies”.

The report was elaborated by Digital Future Society, a programme supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain in collaboration with Mobile World Capital Barcelona that seeks to build an inclusive, equitable and sustainable future in the digital era.


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