ARIES at WWF’s webinar on AI & Conservation

March 15, 2023

Last March, ARIES lead investigator and Ikerbasque professor at BC3 Ferdinando Villa was invited to talk about the ARIES platform as a case study in knowledge integration within WWF’s seminars series on AI and conservation. These online events highlight how AI is supporting conservation efforts, with a focus on the future and an eye on both the upsides and the risks of these technologies.

ARIES maximises the value of scientific information and ensures its usability and modularity through semantically integrated modelling – a scientific approach that plays a crucial role in synthesising knowledge from different scientific disciplines, providing enhanced methods and tools to address the uncertainty, complexity, and interconnectedness underlying environmental sustainability. 

Our aim is to build a pool of knowledge that encompasses the best scientific knowledge on Earth and sustainable development, facilitating seamless integration and generation of new multidisciplinary knowledge from independently developed components.

Ferdinando Villa
Aries lead investigator & Ikerbasque professor, BC3

The Fuller science for Nature fund (named in honour of the former president and CEO of WWF-US) by WWF created this seminar series to provide a regular forum for the conservation community to support and harness the most promising conservation science research and put it into practice.

You can watch the whole webinar on Vimeo.


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