Making nature count at GEO Week 2021

December 9, 2021

GEO Week 2021 wrapped up on November 26, 2021, with more than 60 sessions and 1500 participants from 93 countries who gathered to discuss the needs and opportunities to accelerate action in the Group of Earth Observations (GEO) for environmental and social impact.

ARIES was featured at the side event ”Making statistics geospatial: Mobilizing the GEO community to support ecosystem accounting and data interoperability” by United States Geological Survey (USGS) research economist and ARIES natural capital accounting expert Ken Bagstad.

The other keynote speakers were Alessandra Alfieri (United Nations Statistics Division), Eva Ivits (European Environment Agency), François Soulard (Statistics Canada), Daniel Juhn and Max Wright (Conservation International).

During the online session, Ken introduced the ARIES Network, which powers the ARIES for SEEA Explorer. His presentation describes the benefits it offers to National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and scientific and policy communities with its path toward interoperability.

You can now rewatch the full session in the video below if you weren’t able to join.


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