Our wrap-up of the #AriesChat on artificial intelligence for a sustainable blue economy is out!

December 17, 2020

On December 16, the @aries_project Twitter account hosted an online discussion on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in building a sustainable blue economy.

Some of the main take-home messages focused on the need of a holistic optimization of marine technology applications across the three pillars of sustainability – social, environmental and economic – to ensure a more sustainable use of our natural resources. Participants also agreed on the importance of multidisciplinary data interoperability and the great role that AI and data science play towards reaching an efficient optimization faster.

During one hour, panellists Ivana Lukic (@lukiccivana), s.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH and SUBMARINER Network; Marta Pascual (@m_pasku), WestMED Blue Economy Initiative, the Atlantic Action Plan Assistance Mechanism and ARIES; Sandra Ponce de León (@sandramp), Blue Economy Agency; Tundi Agardy (@TundiAgardy), Sound Seas; and Zdenka Willis (@ZdenkaOcns), Veraison Consulting LLC and Marine Technology Society contributed to the vibrant and thought-provoking conversation.

Many interesting resources and projects related to blue economy, marine technology and AI came out during the Q&A session. For instance, the Women Leadership in Marine Technology and Science, an international initiative that strives for gender leadership within the ocean science; and the BlueInvest Platform, an EU network that supports investment readiness and access to finance for start-ups, SMEs and scale-ups in the blue economy.

We would like to thank all the participants for bringing their great inputs and engaging in such interesting exchanges throughout the chat! Check out the discussion’s wrap-up below and watch for the upcoming online discussions to be organized throughout 2021, both on our blog and via our social media channels.


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