UIK summer school: Exploring AI’s role in sustainability 

June 30, 2024

On June 26th, ARIES lead investigator Ferdinando Villa and ARIES team manager Stefano Balbi participated in the two-day summer course on “Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, directed by Patxi Arratibel Suquia from the Gipuzkoa provincial county and organised by the University of the Basque Country.

With over 240 students in attendance, this course highlighted the powerful intersection of AI and sustainability, featuring expert discussions on leveraging technology to tackle pressing environmental and social challenges.

Their participation focused on how AI can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the ethics of AI. They were joined in a roundtable discussion by notable figures such as Miguel Valle del Olmo (Permanent Representation of Spain in the EU) and Irene Unceta (ESADE Business School).

Students actively engaged in discussions that not only showcased innovative AI solutions but also addressed the ethical implications necessary for responsible technology use. These discussions encouraged critical thinking about AI’s role in solving global challenges and the moral responsibilities accompanying technological advancements.

Overall, the course provided a comprehensive view of harnessing AI to drive a just, equitable, and sustainable future.


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