Ireland, France, Portugal, Spain





IHCantabria, BC3, CITAB, UTAD, Quercus - National Association for Nature Conservation, GISTREE - Environment, Forest and Geographic Information Systems, Lda, University of West Brittany, University of Rennes 1, National Center for Scientific Research - Bretagne Pays de la Loire DElegation (DR17), AFBI - Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway.


Access the ALICE Project MOOC course ‘Towards Integrated Landscape Management: Develop Tools for Adapting to Change’!



The ALICE Project, which comprises scientists, universities, research institutes, local and national governments, NGOs, and SMEs, aims to promote sustainable investments in Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks (BGINs) across the Atlantic Region by integrating considerations of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This endeavor involves mapping aquatic and terrestrial vegetation formations and ecological processes using satellite images, GIS data, and modelling frameworks, as well as engaging local stakeholders through participatory learning approaches.

The ARIES team contributes to enhancing predictive capacity through its multi-model platform, helping decision-makers forecast changes in ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity services provision, particularly in response to evolving land use patterns and climate change impacts.

ARIES worldwide

Explore our projects

From our central hub at the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) we conduct inint activities with more than 20 countries. Those activities notably take the form of a portfolio of 12 projects each year, a selection of which is shown on this map. A number of government agencies, universities and NGOs in partnership for research and training = our preferred modes of international collaboration - complete this view of our worldwide presence on the ground.

    World Bank

    Natural Capital

    USA, Nigeria


    Natural Capital

    Belgium, Norway, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Slovakia


    Marine Biodiversity

    Arctic, Baltic, Atlantic and Mediterranean seas

    Life Pyrenees4Clima

    Ecosystem Services

    Andora, France, Spain

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