Life Urbaso Project

Spain (Basque Country)





NEIKER, BC3, Consorcio de aguas de Busturialdea, Agencia EFE, UPV/EHU


They will evaluate ecosystem services provided by the implemented methodology and their economic valuation to implement reasonable subsidy agreements with landowners.



The Life Urbaso project aims to demonstrate that careful and appropriate planning of forest management in watersheds adjacent to drinking water catchments improves the quality and increases the quantity of water captured, both essential for enhancing human health and adapting to the uncertainties of climate change.

ARIES is utilized to study the quality of drinking water in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Spain). By connecting different scientific disciplines and enabling informed environmental decision-making, ARIES provides valuable insights into water quality assessment and monitoring. Its advanced capabilities in data analysis and interpretation help researchers and stakeholders understand complex environmental dynamics, thereby supporting the implementation of effective forest management protocols to optimize forest-water interactions.


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