ARIES in OBServ: Empowering pollinator conservation and management

June 14, 2023

Together with Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA, ARIES has developed an open library of models to predict the availability of pollinators in space and time at a global scale in the frame of the OBServ project, where BC3 is one of the main partners.

OBServ represents a collaborative endeavour engaging researchers and experts from diverse disciplines, such as ecology, social sciences, and data science. Through the creation of a pioneering monitoring system, the project strives to make significant contributions to the preservation and effective management of wild pollinators.

By recognizing the pivotal role these creatures play in both ecosystem conservation and agricultural productivity, our goal is to foster a better understanding of their dynamics and promote their long-term well-being

Joao Pompeu
Researcher in the ARIES project, BC3

Rather than aiming at finding one model that can be applied universally, OBServ’s new online tool uses ARIES’ open-source environment, k.LAB, to develop a user-friendly open library of modelled scenarios in collaboration with stakeholders. This information becomes available to a range of different stakeholders through an intuitive and user-friendly application, allowing non-technical users to observe complex models in a browser window. 

By using a participatory approach with relevant stakeholders from four different countries(Spain, Argentina, The Netherlands and the USA), the project will assess the utility of the developed models and scenarios for end users, including performance across scales and proper communication of uncertainty. The best models will be used for map pollination services under different environmental scenarios ranging from global trends extracted from the IPCC and land use cover predictions to local potential implementations of better management practices.

The world is changing rapidly and we need scientific tools that are easy to use and that can aid us in decision-making for better management of natural resources.

Stefano Balbi
Ikerbasque research fellow and ARIES coordinator, BC3

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