HeCo Invest

Colombia (Amazonian region)





IDB Lab, the Paulson Institute, the World Wildlife Fund, the Spanish Cooperation Fund, the Basque Center for Climate Change, and Google Cloud



The HeCo Leticia Platform Project aims to provide an innovative data platform to connect governments, investors, donors, and philanthropists with carefully identified investment opportunities in high-priority locations in the Amazon basin. Through the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Client Relationship Manager (CRM) technologies in one place, the platform will offer users access to maps, data layers, and analysis tools to support decision-making processes and promote sustainable development initiatives to effectively protect areas from deforestation and make conservation efforts more efficient for all major parties involved. By facilitating data sharing, collaboration, and engagement among stakeholders, the HeCo Leticia Platform Project strives to empower local authorities, organizations, and communities to address key challenges and promote positive impacts on jobs, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity.

BC3’s contribution through ARIES allows the implementation of advanced data science algorithms using data from external partners based on unique semantic analysis capabilities. This powerful combination will allow Leticia to provide a wide range of audiences with a fast and accurate response with an optimal user experience.

ARIES worldwide

Explore our projects

From our central hub at the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) we conduct inint activities with more than 20 countries. Those activities notably take the form of a portfolio of 12 projects each year, a selection of which is shown on this map. A number of government agencies, universities and NGOs in partnership for research and training = our preferred modes of international collaboration - complete this view of our worldwide presence on the ground.

    World Bank

    Natural Capital

    USA, Nigeria


    Natural Capital

    Belgium, Norway, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Slovakia


    Marine Biodiversity

    Arctic, Baltic, Atlantic and Mediterranean seas

    Life Pyrenees4Clima

    Ecosystem Services

    Andora, France, Spain

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